Sunday, October 17, 2010

DMF Assignment 4: Alphabet Soup

Upon starting this project, I took into account one specific detail in the instructions. Or, maybe I should say what was not present: a limitation on alphabet. Considering the myriads of different alphabets that exist on the whole of the planet, and beyond if you count Babylon 5 and Star Trek, I saw limitless possibilities to do unique pieces. However, when I went to find a typeface for the Cyrillic characters of "D" and "Zhe," I was limited since not all fonts have Cyrillic support.

The lack of typefaces that support Cyrillic did not deter me. So long as I was able to find one that suited the idea I had in mind (like the Euro-styled retro Zhe that features a sans-serif), I was not hindered. However, the typeface style came heavily into play when I did my piece regarding the English letter "F." After scanning through a few various fonts, I found that the cursive styled Edwardian script provided me the chance to do a piece with a letter that would veil the fact that I was merely using one letter at all. As far as expansiveness, this has to be my favorite piece.
Determining completion of this piece was rather difficult. Each manipulation and attachment seemed to take on a life of its own, each fitting upon the next in its own sync. In this piece, much like my "A" and "W" pieces, rasterization was key to making the whole thing possible. The commonality between these was pattern. Each one started from a pattern that required manipulation beyond the scope of the text tool (this is most apparent in the "A", shown here.)

 Though the final product of "A" seems to have little synchronous pattern, the piece started this way before I manipulated each layer by cutting, color manipulation, smudging and airbrushing. Since I was feeling somewhat sour when composing this piece, I allowed that to show. Using the letter "A" (since my name starts with it), is a further placing of this piece upon myself. Perhaps the organized disorganization of it may be oxymoronic, but it holds a specific existential bond to me. Especially when I wake up in the morning. If this is chaos, the "W" is its organization antithesis in the fact that the rigid cuts and interweaving form a digital chainlink.

 Though the letters "F" and "W" have no emotional ties to me, and the meaning of the "A" has already been mentioned, the usage of the Cyrillic letters has a link to me since I am learning Russian right now. Also, the usage of those letters allowed me to find a loophole in the parameters of this assignment which allowed me to experiment further in my own artistic endeavors.

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